
List and Iterator ADTs

1. Vectors (Array Lists)

Array-based Implementation

index : (f-1+N)%N

Growable Array-based Vector

How large should the new array be?

Comaparison of the Strategies

Amortized time

Doubling Strategy Analysis

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using std::max;

// Code Fragment 6.2: A vector implementation using an extendable array.
typedef int Elem; // base element type
class ArrayVector
    ArrayVector();                           // constructor
    int size() const;                        // number of elements
    bool empty() const;                      // is vector empty?
    Elem &operator[](int i);                 // element at index
    Elem &at(int i) throw(IndexOutOfBounds); // element at index
    void erase(int i);                       // remove element at index
    void insert(int i, const Elem &e);       // insert element at index
    void reserve(int N);                     // reserve at least N spots
    // . . . (housekeeping functions omitted)
    int capacity; // current array size
    int n;        // number of elements in vector
    Elem *A;      // array storing the elements

// Code Fragment 6.3: The simple member functions for class ArrayVector.
ArrayVector::ArrayVector() // constructor
    : capacity(0), n(0), A(NULL)
int ArrayVector::size() const // number of elements
    return n;
bool ArrayVector::empty() const // is vector empty?
    return size() == 0;
Elem &ArrayVector::operator[](int i) // element at index
    return A[i];
// element at index (safe)
Elem &ArrayVector::at(int i) throw(IndexOutOfBounds)
    if (i < 0 | | i >= n)
        throw IndexOutOfBounds("illegal index in function at()");
    return A[i];

// Code Fragment 6.4: The member function remove for class ArrayVector.
void ArrayVector::erase(int i)
{                                   // remove element at index
    for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) // shift elements down
        A[j - 1] = A[j];
    n--; // one fewer element

// Code Fragment 6.5: The member functions reserve and insert for class ArrayVector.
void ArrayVector::reserve(int N)
{ // reserve at least N spots
    if (capacity >= N)
        return;                 // already big enough
    Elem *B = new Elem[N];      // allocate bigger array
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) // copy contents to new array
        B[j] = A[j];
    if (A != NULL)
        delete[] A; // discard old array
    A = B;          // make B the new array
    capacity = N;   // set new capacity
void ArrayVector::insert(int i, const Elem &e)
    if (n >= capacity)                 // overflow?
        reserve(max(1, 2 * capacity)); // double array size
    for (int j = n - 1; j >= i; j--)   // shift elements up
        A[j + 1] = A[j];
    A[i] = e; // put in empty slot
    n++;      // one more element

2. List

Position ADT

The Position ADT models the notion of place within a data structure where a single object is stored

Containers and Iterators


Iterating through a Container

for (p = C.begin(); p != C.end(); ++p)
typedef vector<int>::iterator Iterator;
int sum = 0;
for (Iterator p = V.begin(); p != V.end(); ++p)
  sum += *p;
return sum;

List ADT

3. Sequences

벑터와 λ¦¬μŠ€νŠΈλŠ” Sequences ADT의 일쒅이닀. (더 General ν•˜λ‹€.)

Comparing Sequence Implementations